Sr No. | Word | शब्द | Meaning | Example |
200 | apparition | प्रेत | ghost; phantom | Hamlet was uncertain about the
identity of the apparition that had appeared and spoken to him. |
201 | appease | तुष्टि | pacify; soothe | We have discovered that, when we
try to appease our enemies, we encourage them to make additional demands. |
202 | appellation | पदवी | name; title | He was amazed when the witches
hailed him with his correct appellation. |
203 | append | जोड़ना | attach | I shall append this chart to my
204 | application | उपयोग | diligent attention; (secondary
meaning) apply | Pleased with how well Tom had
whitewashed the fence, Aunt Polly praised him for his application. |
205 | apposite | उचित | appropriate; fitting | He was always able to find the
apposite phrase, the correct expression for every occasion. |
206 | appraise | आंकना | estimate the value of | It is difficult to appraise old
paintings; it is easier to call them priceless. |
207 | appreciate | सराहना | be thankful for; increase in
worth; be thoroughly conscious of | Little Orphan Annie truly
appreciated the stocks Daddy Warbucks ave her, whose value appreciated
considerably over the years. |
208 | apprehend | पकड़ना | arrest ( a criminal); dread;
perceive | The police will apprehend the
culprit and convict him before long. |
209 | apprehensive | भयभीत | fearful; discerning | His apprehensive glances at the
people who were walking in the street revealed his nervousness. |
210 | apprise | बतलाना | inform | When he was apprised of the
dangerous weather conditions, he decided to postpone his trip. |
211 | approbation | प्रशंसा | approval | Wanting her parents' regard, she
looked for some sign of their approbation. |
212 | appropriate | उपयुक्त | acquire; take possession of for
one's own use | The ranch owners appropriated
the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians' use. |
213 | appurtenances | appurtenances | subordinate possessions | He bought the estate and all its
appurtenances. |
214 | apropos | अनुरूप | with reference to; regarding | I find your remarks apropos of
the present situation timely and pertinent. |
215 | aptitude | योग्यता | fitness; talent | The counselor evaluated his
aptitudes before advising him about the career he should follow. |
216 | aquiline | मुड़ा हुआ | curved, hooked | He can be recognized by his
aquiline nose, curved like the beak of the eagle. |
217 | arable | कृषि योग्य | fit for plowing | The land was no longer arable;
erosion had removed the valuable topsoil. |
218 | arbiter | मध्यस्थ | person with power to decide a
matter in a dispute; judge | As an arbiter in labor disputes,
she has won the confidence of the workers and the employers. |
219 | arbitrary | मनमाना | unreasonable or capricious;
tyrannical | The coach claimed the team lost
because the umpire made some arbitrary calls. |
220 | arbitrate | पंचायत करना | act as judge | She was called upon to arbitrate
the dispute between the union and the management. |
221 | arboretum | तरुवाटिका | place where different varieties
of trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited | Walking along the treelined
paths of the arboretum, Rita noted poplars, firs, and some particularly fine
sycamores. |
222 | arcade | आर्केड | a covered passageway, usually
lined with shops | The arcade was popular with
shoppers because it gave them protection from the summer sun and the winter
rain. |
223 | arcane | भेद का | secret; mysterious | What was arcane to us was clear
to the psychologist. |
224 | archaeology | पुरातत्त्व | study of artifacts and relics of
early mankind | The professor of archaeology
headed an expedition to the Gobi Desert in search of ancient ruins. |
225 | archaic | प्राचीन | antiquated | Methinks, "thee," and
"thou" are archaic words that are no longer part of our normal
vocabulary. |
226 | archetype | मूलरूप आदर्श | prototype; primitive pattern | The Brooklyn Bridge was the
archetype of the many spans that now connect Manhattan with Long Island and
New Jersey. |
227 | archipelago | द्वीपसमूह | group of closely located islands | When he looked at the map and
saw the archipelagoes in the South Seas, he longed to visit them. |
228 | archives | अभिलेखागार | public records; place where
public records are kept | These documents should be part
of the archives so that historians may be able to evaluate them in the
future. |
229 | ardor | ललक | heat; passion; zeal | Katya's ardor was contagious;
soon all her fellow demonstrators were busily making posters and handing out
flyers, inspired by her ardent enthusiasm for the cause. |
230 | arduous | कठिन | hard; strenuous | Her arduous efforts had sapped
her energy. |
231 | argot | खिचड़ी भाषा | slang | In the argot of the underworld,
she "was taken for a ride." |
232 | aria | आरिया | operatic solo | At her Metropolitan Opera
audition, Marian Anderson sang an aria from Norma. |
233 | arid | बंजर | dry; barren | The cactus had adapted to
survive in an arid environment. |
234 | aristocracy | शिष्टजन | hereditary nobility; privileged
class | Americans have mixed feelings
about hereditary aristocracy: |
235 | armada | Armada | fleet of warships | Queen Elizabeth's navy was able
to defeat the mighty armada that threatened the English coast. |
236 | aromatic | खुशबूदार | fragrant | Medieval sailing vessels brought
aromatic herbs from China to Europe. |
237 | arraign | कलंक लगाना | charge in court; indict | After his indictment by the
Grand Jury, the accused man was arraigned in the County Criminal Court. |
238 | array | सरणी | marshal; draw up in order | His actions were bound to array
public sentiment against him. |
239 | array | सरणी | clothe; adorn | She liked to watch her
motherarray herself in her finest clothes before going out for the evening. |
240 | arrears | बकाया | being in debt | He was in arrears with his
payments on the car. |
241 | arrogance | हेकड़ी | pride, haughtiness | The arrogance of the nobility
was resented by the middle class. |
242 | arroyo | अरोयो | gully | Until the heavy rains of the
past spring, this arroyo had been a dry bed. |
243 | articulate | स्पष्ट | effective; distinct | Her articulate presentation of
the advertising campaign impressed her employers. |
244 | artifacts | कलाकृतियों | products of primitive culture | Archaeologists debated the
significance of the artifacts discovered in the ruins of Asia Minor and came
to no conclusion. |
245 | artifice | चालाकी | deception; trickery | The Trojan War proved to the
Greeks that cunning and artifice were often more effective than military
might. |
246 | artisan | शिल्पी | a manually skilled worker | Artists and artisans alike are
necessary to the development of a culture. |
247 | artless | अनाड़ी | without guile; open and honest | Red Riding Hood's artless
comment, "Grandma, what big eyes you have!" indicates the child's
innocent surprises at her "grandmother's" changed appearance. |
248 | ascendancy | प्रभुत्व | controlling influence | President Marcos failed to
maintain his ascendency over Philippines. |
249 | asceptic | asceptic | preventing infection; having a
cleansing effect | Hospitals succeeded in lowering
the mortality rate as soon as they introduced asceptic conditions. |
250 | ascetic | तपस्वी | practicing self-denial; austere | The wealthy young man could not
understand the ascetic life led by the monks. |
251 | asceticism | वैराग्य | doctrine of self-denial | We find asceticism practiced in
many monastries. |
252 | ascribe | कारण बताना | refer; attribute; assign | I can ascribe no motive for her
acts. |
253 | ashen | भस्मवर्ण | ash-colored; deadly pale | Her face was ashen with fear. |
254 | asinine | गदहे का | stupid | Your asinine remarks prove that
you have not given this problem any serious consideration. |
255 | askance | कनखियों | with a sideways or indirect look | Looking askance at her
questioner, she displayed her scorn. |
256 | askew | तिरछा | crookedly; slanted; at an angle | When he placed his hat askew
upon his head, his observers laughed. |
257 | asperity | तीक्ष्णता | sharpness (of temper) | These remarks, spoken with
asperity, stung the boys to whom they had been directed. |
258 | aspersion | कलंक | slanderous remark | Do not cast aspersions on her
character. |
259 | aspirant | आकांक्षी | seeker after position or status | Although I am as aspirant for
public office, I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses. |
260 | aspiration | आकांक्षा | noble ambition | Youth's aspirations should be as
lofty as the stars. |
261 | assail | आक्रमण करना | assault | He was assailed with questions
after his lecture. |
262 | assay | परख | analyze; evaluate | When they assayed the ore, they
found that they had discovered a very rich vein. |
263 | assent | अनुमति | agree; accept | It gives me great pleasure to
assent to your request. |
264 | assert | जोर | state strongly or positively;
insist on or demand recognition of (rights, claims, etc). | When Jill asserted that nobody
else in the junior class had such an early curfew, her parents Asserted
themselves, telling her that if she didn't get home by nine o'clock she would
be grounded for the week. |
265 | assessment | मूल्यांकन | estimation; appraisal | I would like to have your
assessment of the situation in South Africa. |
266 | assiduous | परिश्रमी | diligent | It took Rembrandt weeks of
assiduous labor before he was satisfied with his portrait of his son. |
267 | assimilate | पचाना | absorb; cause to become
homogenous | The manner in which the United
States was able to assimilate the hordes of immigrants during the nineteenth
and early part of the twentieth centuries will always be a source of pride. |
268 | assuage | शांत करना | ease; lessen(pain) | Your messages of cheer should
assuage her suffering. |
269 | assumption | कल्पना | something taken for granted; the
taking over or taking possession of | The young princess made the
foolish assumption that the regent would not object to her Assumption of
power. |
270 | assurance | बीमा | promise or pledge; certainty;
self-confidence | When Gutherie gave Guiness his
assurance that rehearsals were going well, he spoke with such assurance that
Guiness was convinced. |
271 | asteroid | छोटा तारा | small planet | asteroids have become
commonplace to the readers of interstellar travel stories in science fiction
magazines. |
272 | astigmatism | दृष्टिवैषम्य | eye defect that prevents proper
focus | As soon as his parents
discovered that the boy suffered from astigmatism, they took him to the
optometrist for corrective glasses. |
273 | astral | सूक्ष्म | relating to the stars | She was amazed at the number of
astral bodies the new telescope revealed. |
274 | astringent | स्तम्मक | binding; causing contraction;
harsh or severe | The astringent quality of
unsweetened lemon juice made swallowing difficult. |
275 | astronomical | खगोलीय | enormously large or extensive | The government seemed willing to
spend astronomical sums on weapons development. |
276 | astute | चतुर | wise; shrewd | That was a very astute
observation. |
277 | asunder | अलग-अलग | into parts; apart | Their points of view are poles
asunder. |
278 | asylum | अस्पताल | place of refuge or shelter;
protection | The refugees sought asylum from
religious persecution in a new land. |
279 | asymmetric | असममित | not identical on both sides of a
dividing central line | Because one eyebrow was set
markedly higher than the other, William's face had a particularly asymmetric
appearance. |
280 | atavism | विरासत | resemblance to remote ancestors
rather than to parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback | Martin seemed an atavism to his
Tuscan ancestors who lavished great care on their small plots of soil. |
281 | atheistic | नास्तिक वृत्ति का | denying the existence of God | His atheistic remarks shocked
the religious worshippers. |
282 | atone | हरजाना देना | make amends for; pay for | He knew no way in which he could
atone for his brutal crime. |
283 | atrocity | क्रूरता | brutal deed | In time of war, many atrocities
are committed by invading armies. |
284 | atrophy | शोष | wasting away | Polio victims need physiotherapy
to prevent the atrophy of affected limbs. |
285 | attenuate | दुर्बल होना | make thin; weaken | By withdrawing their forces, the
generals hoped to attenuate the enemy lines. |
286 | attest | attest | testify; bear witness | Having served as a member of a
grand jury, I can attest that our system of indicting individuals is in need
of improvement. |
287 | attribute | गुण | essential quality | His outstanding attribute was
his kindness. |
288 | attribute | गुण | ascribe; explain | I attribute her success in
science to the encouragement she received from her parents. |
289 | attrition | संघर्षण | gradual wearing down | They decided to wage a war of
attrition rather than to rely on all-out attack. |
290 | audacious | साहसी | daring; bold | Audiences cheered as Luke
Skywalker and Princess Leia made their audacious, death-defying leap to
freedom and escaped Darth Vader's troops. |
291 | audit | आडिट | examination of accounts | When the bank examiners arrived
to hold their annual audit, they discovered the embezzlements of the chief
cashier. |
292 | augment | बढ़ाना | increase | How can we hope to augment our
forces when our allies are deserting us? |
293 | augury | शकुन | omen; prophecy | He interpreted the departures of
the birds as an augury of evil. |
294 | august | अगस्त | impressive; majestic | Visiting the palace at
Versailes, she was impressed by the august surroundings in which she found
herself. |
295 | aureole | किरणों का पुंज | sun's corona; halo | Many medieval paintings depict
saintly characters with aureols around their heads. |
296 | auroral | Auroral | pertaining to the aurora
borealis | The auroral display was
particularly spectacular that evening. |
297 | auspicious | शुभ | favoring success | With favorable weather
conditions, it was an auspicious moment to set sail. |
298 | austere | सादगीपसन्द | strict, stern | His austere demeanor prevented
us from engaging in our usual frivolous activities. |
299 | austerity | तपस्या | sternness; severity; lack of
luxuries | The austerity and dignity of the
court were maintained by the new justices, who were a strict and solemn
group. |