Synonyms Antonyms List with Hindi meaning Part 3 (P-Z)

Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning Part-3 (P - Z)

Word शब्द Synonym Antonym
Pamper संतुष्ट करना flatter, indulge deny, disparage
Paramount आला दर्जे का foremost, eminent trivial, inferior
Peerless अद्वितीय matchless,
mediocre, commonplace
Peevish चिड़चिड़ा perverse, sullen suave, amiable
Pertness Pertness flippancy,
modesty, diffidence
Perverse विकृत petulant,
complacent, docile
Placid शांत tranquil, calm turbulent, hostile
Pompous गर्वित haughty, arrogant unpretentious, humble
Precarious अनिश्चित doubtful, insecure assured, undeniable
Predicament स्थिति plight, dilemma resolution, confidence
Premature असामयिक precocious,
belated, opportune
Prodigious अस्वाभाविक vast, enormous unimpressive, diminutive
Prodigy कौतुक miracle, marvel normal, average
Profligate अपव्ययी dissolute,
virtuous, upright
Profuse विपुल lavish, abundant scarce, scantly
Proscribe देश से निकालना prohibit, exclude solicit, include
Protract बढ़ाना prolong, delay abbreviate, curtail
Provoke भड़काना inflame, incite pacify, comfort
Prudent विवेकी cautious, discreet impetuous, unwise
Quack नीमहकीम impostor, deceiver upright, unfeigned
Quaint विचित्र queer, strange familiar, usual
Quarantine कोरांटीन seclude, screen befriend, socialize
Quell वश में करना subdue, reduce exacerbate, agitate
Questionable संदिग्ध dubious,
reliable, authentic
Quibble वक्रोक्ति equivocate,
unfeign, plain
Ratify पुष्टि करना consent, approve deny, dissent
Ravage नाश destroy, ruin reconstruct, renovate
Redeem एवज recover, liberate conserve, lose
Remnant अवशेष residue, piece entire, whole
Remonstrate प्रतिवाद करना censure, protest agree, laud
Remorse पछतावा regret, penitence ruthlessness, obduracy
Remote रिमोट inaccessible,
adjoining, adjacent
Rescind रद्द कर देना annul, abrogate delegate, permit
Resentment नाराज़गी displeasure, wrath content, cheer
Retract वापस लेना recant, withdraw confirm, assert
Reverence श्रद्धा respect, esteem disrespect, affront
Rout घोर पराजय vanquish,
succumb, withdraw
Rustic देहाती rural uncivilised cultured, refined
Ruthless क्रूर remorseless,
compassionate, lenient
Sarcastic कटु ironical, derisive courteous, gracious
Saucy सजीव impudent, insolent modest, humble
Scanty अल्प scarce,
lavish, multitude
Shabby जर्जर miserable,
prosperous, thriving
Shrewd चालाक cunning, crafty simple, imbecile
Slander बदनामी defame, malign applaud, approve
Sneer उपहास mock, scorn flatter, praise
Solicit मांगना entreat, implore protest, oppose
Sporadic छिटपुट intermittent,
incessant, frequent
Squalid मलिन dirty, filthy tidy, attractive
Stain धब्बा blemish, tarnish honour, purify
Stupor व्यामोह lethargy,
sensibility, consciousness
Subsequent आगामी consequent,
Preceding, Previous
Substantial ठोस considerable,
tenuous, fragile
Subvert पलट देना demolish, sabotage generate, organise
Superficial सतही partial, shallow profound, discerning
Sycophant चापलूस parasite,
devoted, loyal
Taboo निषेध prohibit, ban permit, consent
Taciturn अल्पभाषी reserved, silent talkative, extrovert
Tedious ग़ैरदिलचस्प wearisome, irksome exhilarating, lively
Temperate शीतोष्ण cool, moderate boisterous, violent
Throng भीड़ assembly, crowd dispersion, sparsity
Timid डरपोक diffident, coward bold, intrepid
Tranquil शांत peaceful, composed violent, furious
Transient क्षणिक temporal,
lasting, enduring
Trenchant तल्खी assertive,
feeble, ambiguous
Trivial तुच्छ trifling,
significant veteran
Tumultuous उथल-पुथल violent, riotous peaceful, harmonious
Tyro नौसिखिए beginner, learner proficient, veteran
Umbrage साया resentment,
sympathy, goodwill
Uncouth गंवार awkward,
elegant, graceful
Usurp हड़पना seize, wrest restore, compensate
Utterly बिलकुल completely,
deficiently, incompletely
Vagrant आवारा wanderer, roaming steady, settled
Valid मान्य genuine, authentic fallacious, deceptive
Valour वेलर bravery, prowess fear, cowardice
Vanity घमंड conceit,
modesty, humility
Venerable आदरणीय esteemed, honoured unworthy, immature
Venom विष poison,
antidote, benevolent
Veteran वयोवृद्ध ingenious,
novice, tyro
Vicious शातिर corrupt, obnoxious noble, virtuous
Vigilant जागरूक cautious, alert careless, negligent
Volatile परिवर्तनशील light, changing heavy, ponderous
Vouch ज़मानत देना confirm, consent repudiate, prohibit
Vulgar अशिष्ट inelegant,
elegant, civil
Waive माफ़ करें relinquish, remove impose, clamp
Wan वान pale, faded bright, healthy
Wane पतन decline, dwindle ameliorate, rise
Wary सावधान cautious,
heedless, negligent
Wed विवाह करना marry, combine divorce, separate
Wicked शैतान vicious, immoral virtuous, noble
Wield फिराना use, employ forgo, avoid
Wilt विल्ट wither, perish revive, bloom
Yearn हुड़कना languish, crave content, satisfy
Yell चिल्लाना shout, shriek whisper, muted
Yield प्राप्ति surrender,
resist, protest
Yoke दासत्व का चिह्न connect, harness liberate, release
Zeal उत्साह eagerness, fervour apathy, lethargy
Zenith शीर्षबिंदु summit, apex nadir, base
Zest दिलचस्पी delight,
disgust, passive
Zig-zag oblique, wayward straight, unbent

Synonyms Antonyms List with Hindi meaning Part 3 (P-Z) Synonyms Antonyms List with Hindi meaning Part 3 (P-Z) Reviewed by Admin on 9:22:00 AM Rating: 5
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