Best Books for RRB (NTPC) Stage 2 Exam 2017

RRB NTPC Stage 2 Books 2016 : List of Best Recommended Books with syllabus for RRB Railways NTPC (CA, TA, ECRC, ASM, Goods Guards etc)2016 Exam: (18252 posts) 

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RRB NTPC 2016 Mains exam is scheduled to be conducted on 17, 18 & 19 January 2017. There is very less time left for preparation for this highly competitive examination. In this article we are providing a list of all useful books you need to clear this exam. All you need to do is get these books As soon as possible and start your preparation without wasting your precious time. Gear up your preparation now and this will lead to your desired post in RRB NTPC 2016 CBT exam.

You may buy books in two ways, either you go for exam specific book or syllabus based subject wise books. If you are already preparing for competitive examinations you must have several books which you may skip and choose the ones you need only.

We have also Provided Syllabus along with name of Book, Take time and read this very Important article about most important books for RRB Non-Technical Exam 2016.
(Last updated on 20.12.2016)

Best Books for RRB Stage 2 (New)

RRB NTPC 2nd Stage Examination 2017 (Guide)

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RRB NTPC 25 Practice Sets - Stage 2 Exam (CBT) 2017

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Speedy Publication Books (Hindi) links at bottom.

Must Have Best Books For RRB NTPC 2016 CBT Exam
Solved Paper RRB (Non-Technical Cadre) for ASM, GG, TA, CA, ECRC, JAA, Senior,Clerk Cum Typist, Traffic Assistant & Senior Time Keeper 2016 (Arihant publications)
This book contains solved papers of the non-technical grades’,examinations conducted by various railway recruitment boards like RRB,Chandigarh, RRB Patna, RRB Kolkata, RRB Ahmedabad, RRB Bhopal, RRB,Allahabad, etc. 
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Buy From Amazon (ENGLISH) Buy From Amazon (Hindi)
31 Practice Sets to RRB Non-Technical (Graduate) CBT 2016 with Mock Test & CD (English)

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101 Speed Tests (Topic-wise) with 14 Practice Sets (10 in book & 4 Online CBT) for RRB Non Technical Exam (Disha Publication)
The book is based on the concept of TRP - Test, Revise and Practice. It,aims at improving your SPEED followed by STRIKE RATE which will,eventually lead to improving your SCORE. How is this product different? •,1st unique product with 101 speed tests - 90 Part Tests + 8 Sectional,Tests + 3 Full Tests + 14 Practice Sets.
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Best Books for RRB Railways NTPC 2016 (RRB NTPC Special)
Kiran’s Railway Non Technical Online Exam CBT – 2016 Question Bank: This book contains total 84 Sets, 82 Model Solved Papers, 02 Psychological Test and Brief Guidelines for Appearing Candidates in Railway Exams Advice – cum – Preparation Strategy and Statewise Objective Type Questions. (Recommended)

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English Click for ENGLISH Version
Hindi Hindi
Railway Non Technical Question Bank 1997 - Till Date (Important) : Railway Non Technical Question Bank 1997-till date, for Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, ECRC, Goods Guard, Jr. Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Sr. Clerk Cum typist, Assistant Station Master and Traffic Assistant.
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English Click for ENGLISH Version
Hindi Hindi
RRB: Non-Technical (Goods Guard, ASM, TA, CA etc.) Exam Guide (2016 edition): This comprehensive book is specially developed for the candidates of Railway Non-Technical Posts Recruitment Exam. This book included Model Paper, Previous Years Papers and Study Material for the purpose of practice of questions based on the latest pattern of the examination.
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Hindi Hindi
Railway Aptitude Test: A comprehensive Book on Railway Aptitude and Psychological Tests. This book is very useful for the Centralized Recruitment of Assistant Station Master, Traffic Assistant, Assistant Loco - Pilot, Diesel/Electrical, Assistant - Pilot, Motorman, Station Controller, Train Operator, Rail Conductor etc
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Hindi Hindi
30 Practice Sets Railway Recruitment Boards RRB (Non-Technical Cadre) 2016 : The present book contains 30 Practice Sets for the common written exam,to be conducted by the Indian Railways for recruitment to the posts of,Non-Technical Cadre in various RRBs. The practice papers not just help in thorough revision of the various,concepts covered under the syllabi but also help in self analysis of the,level of preparation for the upcoming written examination.
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If you want topic wise book recommendation then go through this list, you may already have some books, but apart from the list below, you must buy a Practice Set book (ENGLISH / HINDI).

Maths Books for RRB Railways NTPC 2016
Syllabus: Number system, whole system, LCM & HCF. Fractions, Decimals, Averages, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Problems on trains, Ratio & proportions, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Tables & graphs, Probability, Permutation & Combination.
Best Books (Recommended)
Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations (R. S. Aggarwal):This book is very popular and easy to understand and gives topicwise basics of chapters, solved examples and numerous practice questions. (Good book for beginners)
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Hindi Hindi
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic (Rajesh Verma - Arihant Publications): Concepts, techqniues, readymade formulas given here and there. Language, presentation is lucid. The size and price factor goes in favor of this book
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Hindi Hindi
Magical Book On Quicker Maths (M Tyra- Bsc Publications): This book is very good in term of short tricks contains tons of Short-cut formulaes.
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Hindi Hindi

General Intelligence & Reasoning Books for RRB Railways NTPC 2016
Syllabus: Verbal + Non- Verbal Reasoning from analogies, missing pattern, odd man series, judgment, decision making, discrimination, relationship concepts, coding and decoding, statement & conclusions, orientation, similarities & differences, visualization, problem solving, analysis.
Best Books (Recommended)
A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (R. S. Aggarwal):This book has been divided into two parts, the first part of this book is Verbal Reasoning which covers General Mental Ability and Logical Deduction while the second part is Non-verbal Reasoning (including Analytical Reasoning). (Bit expensive book.)
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Hindi Hindi
A New Approach to Reasoning : Verbal, Non - Verbal & Analytical (Rajesh Verma - Arihant Publications): This book has been divided into 3 Sections Verbal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning each sub-divided into number of chapters with different types of questions of multiple patterns asked in various exams.The revised edition of A New Approach to Reasoning will help candidates master the Tricks of the Trade as it covers all the three types of reasoning very much comprehensively.
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Hindi Hindi
Analytical Reasoning,(M. K. Pandey- Bsc Publications): While most similar books are published with a focus on last-minute preparations and quick comprehension, Analytical Reasoning focuses on the basics of the subject of logic and reasoning. This book is a great source for learning the core concepts and is divided into two parts, Reasoning based on Logic and Reasoning based on Rules. (Price is very affordable)
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Hindi Hindi

General Awareness and General Science Books for RRB Railways NTPC 2016
General Awareness: History-India & World, Indian Economy, Indian Geography, Indian Constitution & Polity, Indian Culture & Heritage,Current Affairs – National & International, Sports, Awards, scientific inventions, Books, Science & Technology etc.
General Science: The basics of each part of science are asked in exam( Physics, Chemistrry, and Biology).
Best Books (Recommended)
General Knowledge (Lucent Publication):The book is almost like an encyclopedia, taking into account the number of topics covered. The information is provided in an organised manner.
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Hindi Hindi
Objective General Knowledge (Lucent Publication) : This book is Objective version of GK from lucent with exhaustive questions but there are a few mistakes in answers of some questions.
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Hindi Hindi
14000 + Objective Questions - General Studies ,(Manohar Pandey- Arihant Publications):The revised edition of this exhaustive book focuses on Indian History ; Culture, India ; World Geography (Env ; Eco), Indian Polity, Indian Economy, General Science, Science ; Technology, General Knowledge and Current Affairs. The book contains the collection of over 14000 questions covering General Studies
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Hindi Hindi
MANORAMA YEARBOOK 2016: The largest-selling General Knowledge Compendium is one of the most comprehensive books which covers a wide-spectrum of topics from Science, Medicine, Environment, IT, Literature, Entertainment, History, Geography, Polity, Ethics, Social Justice, International Relations, Current Affairs and Sports.
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Hindi Hindi

Speedy Publication Patna Railways RRB Special, Books
(Hindi Medium)
Samanya Ganit
Samanya Vigyan
Samanya Adhyyan
Question Bank(Scorer)

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Best Books for RRB (NTPC) Stage 2 Exam 2017  Best Books for RRB (NTPC) Stage 2 Exam 2017 Reviewed by Admin on 7:23:00 PM Rating: 5

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