Most Important Name of Animal Groups in English Language
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In this post we are providing an extensive list of important Names of Animal Groups. This is very important for the forthcoming SSC CGL 2016 Exam. The Reasoning as well as English section may directly or indirectly ask questions based on this list. If we have missed any item in this list please comment same and we'll update out list. Keep Studying.
Sr. No. | Animal | Group Name |
1 | Albatross | Rookery |
2 | Alligators | Congregation |
3 | Apes | Shrewdness, Troop |
4 | Antelope | Herd |
5 | Ants | Colony, Army, Swarm, Nest |
6 | Asses | Pace, Herd, Drove |
7 | Auks | Colony, Flock, Raft |
8 | Baboons | Troop, Flange |
9 | Bacteria | Culture |
10 | Badgers | Cete, Colony, Set, Company |
11 | Barracudas | Battery |
12 | Bats | Colony, Cloud |
13 | Bass | Shoal |
14 | Bears (General) | Sloth, Sleuth |
15 | Bears (Cubs) | Litter |
16 | Beavers | Colony, Family |
17 | Bees | Grist, Hive, Swarm, Nest |
18 | Birds (Chicks) | Brood, Clutch |
19 | Birds (Flight) | Flight |
20 | Birds (Game) | Volary, Brace, Plump, Knob |
21 | Birds (Ground) | Flock, Dissimulation |
22 | Birds (Sea) | Wreck |
23 | Bison | Herd |
24 | Bitterns | Sedge, Seige |
25 | Bloodhounds | Sute |
26 | Bobolinks | Chain |
27 | Buffalo | Herd, Troop, Gang, Obstinancy |
28 | Bullfinches | Bellowing |
29 | Bullocks | Drove |
30 | Butterflies | Flight, Flutter, (Many more) |
31 | Buzzards | Wake |
32 | Camels | Caravan, Train, Flock |
33 | Capons | Mews |
34 | Caribou | Herd |
35 | Caterpillars | Army |
36 | Cats (General) | Clowder, Clutter, Pounce, Dout, Nuisance, Glorying, Glare |
37 | Cats (Kittens) | Kindle, Litter, Intrigue |
38 | Cats (Wild) | Destruction |
39 | Cattle | Drove, Herd, Team |
40 | Cheetahs | Coalition |
41 | Chickens (General) | Brood, Peep |
42 | Chickens (Chicks) | Clutch, Chattering |
43 | Chinchilla | Colony |
44 | Choughs | Clattering |
45 | Clams | Bed |
46 | Cobras | Quiver |
47 | Cockroaches | Intrusion |
48 | Cod | Lap |
49 | Coots | Cover, Raft |
50 | Cormorants | Gulp |
51 | Cows | Kine |
52 | Coyotes | Band |
53 | Crabs | Cast |
54 | Cranes | Sedge, Seige |
55 | Crocodiles | Bask, Float |
56 | Crows | Murder, Horde, Parcel, Storytelling |
57 | Curlews | Herd |
58 | Deer (General) | Herd, Leash, Gang |
59 | Deer (Buck) | Brace, Clash |
60 | Deer (Roe) | Bevy |
61 | Dogs (General) | Kennel |
62 | Dogs (Curs) | Cowardice |
63 | Dogs (Hounds) | Cry, Mute, Pack |
64 | Dogs (Puppies) | Litter |
65 | Dogs (Wild) | Pack |
66 | Dolphins | Pod |
67 | Donkeys | Drove, Pace, Herd |
68 | Dotterel | Trip |
69 | Doves (General) | Dule, Bevy, Cote, Dole, Paddling |
70 | Doves (Turtle) | Pitying, Piteousness |
71 | Ducks (Flight) | Flock |
72 | Ducks (Ground) | Brace, badling |
73 | Ducks (Water) | Raft, Team, Paddling |
74 | Dunlins | Fling |
75 | Eagles | Convocation, Aerie |
76 | Eels | Swarm, Bed, Fry |
77 | Elephants | Herd, Memory |
78 | Elk | Gang, Herd |
79 | Emus | Mob |
80 | Falcons | Cast |
81 | Ferrets | Business, Cast, Fesnying |
82 | Finches | Charm |
83 | Fish (General) | Draft, Nest, Shoal, School ("school" is possibly a corruption of shoal) |
84 | Fish (Caught) | Catch, Drought, Haul |
85 | Flamingoes | Stand, Flamboyance |
86 | Flies | Business, Swarm, Cloud |
87 | Frogs | Army, Colony, Knot |
88 | Fox | Leash, Skulk, Earth, Lead, Troop |
89 | Geese (General) | Flock |
90 | Geese (Flight) | Skein |
91 | Geese (Ground) | Gaggle, Herd, Corps |
92 | Giraffes | Tower |
93 | Gnats | Cloud, Horde, Swarm |
94 | Gnus | Implausibility |
95 | Goats | Tribe, Trip, Drove, Herd, Flock |
96 | Goldfinches | Charm |
97 | Goldfish | Glint, Troubling |
98 | Gorillas | Band, Troop |
99 | Goshawks | Flight |
100 | Grasshoppers | Cloud |
101 | Greyhounds | Leash |
102 | Grouse | Pack, Covey |
103 | Guillemots | Bazaar |
104 | Gulls | Colony, Screech |
105 | Guinea Fowl | Confusion |
106 | Hawks (General) | Cast |
107 | Hawks (Flight) | Kettle |
108 | Hawks (Spiraling) | Boil |
109 | Hedgehogs | Array |
110 | Herons | Sedge, Siege, Hedge |
111 | Herring | Army, Shoal |
112 | Hippopotamuses | Bloat |
113 | Hornets | Nest, Bike |
114 | Horses (General) | Team, Harras, Stable, Troop, Stud (a group belonging to one owner) |
115 | Horses (Colts) | Rag, Rake |
116 | Horses (Ponies) | String |
117 | Horses (Wild) | Herd |
118 | Hummingbirds | Charm |
119 | Hyenas | Cackle, Clan |
120 | Impalas | Herd |
121 | Insects | Horde, Nest, Swarm, Rabble, Plague |
122 | Jays | Party, Scold, Band |
123 | Jellyfish | Smack, Brood |
124 | Kangaroos | Troop, Mob, Herd |
125 | Lapwings | Deceit |
126 | Larks | Exaltation, Ascension |
127 | Leopards | Leap |
128 | Lice | Flock |
129 | Lions | Pride, Sault, Troop |
130 | Lizards | Lounge |
131 | Locusts | Plague |
132 | Magpies | Tiding, Gulp, Murder, Charm |
133 | Mallards (General) | Brace |
134 | Mallards (Flight) | Sord |
135 | Martens | Richness |
136 | Mice | Mischief |
137 | Midges | Bite |
138 | Minnows | Shoal, Steam, Swarm |
139 | Moles | Labor, Company, Movement |
140 | Monkeys | Troop, Barrel, Carload, Cartload, Tribe |
141 | Moose | Herd |
142 | Mosquitoes | Scourge |
143 | Mudhens | Fleet |
144 | Mules | Pack, Span, Barren, Rake |
145 | Nightingales | Watch |
146 | Otters | Romp, Bevy, Family, Raft |
147 | Owls | Parliament, Stare |
148 | Oxen | Team, Yoke, Drove |
149 | Oysters | Bed |
150 | Parrots | Company, Pandemonium |
151 | Partridge | Covey, Bew |
152 | Peacocks | Muster, Ostentation, Pride |
153 | Pekingese | Pomp |
154 | Pelicans | Pod |
155 | Penguins (General) | Colony, Rookery, Huddle |
156 | Penguins (Nursery) | Crèche |
157 | Pheasants (General) | Nest, Nye |
158 | Pheasants (Brood) | Nide |
159 | Pheasants (Take-Off) | Bouquet |
160 | Pigeons | Flight, Flock, Kit |
161 | Pigs (General) | Drift, Drove |
162 | Pigs (Boars) | Singular, Sounder |
163 | Pigs (Hogs) | Team, Passel, Drift, Parcel |
164 | Pigs (Piglets) | Litter, Farrow |
165 | Pigs (Swine) | Sounder |
166 | Pilchards | Shoal |
167 | Plovers (General) | Congregation |
168 | Plovers (Flight) | Wing |
169 | Polecats | Chine |
170 | Porcupines | Prickle |
171 | Porpoises | Herd, Pod, School, Crowd, Shoal |
172 | Prairie Dogs | Coterie |
173 | Ptarmigans | Covey |
174 | Quail | Bevy, Covey |
175 | Rabbits (General) | Colony, Warren, Bury, Trace, Trip |
176 | Rabbits (Domestic) | Herd |
177 | Rabbits (Hares) | Down, Husk |
178 | Rabbits (Jackrabbit) | Husk |
179 | Rabbits (Young) | Litter, Nest |
180 | Raccoons | Gaze |
181 | Rats | Colony, Pack, Plague, Swarm |
182 | Rattlesnakes | Rhumba |
183 | Ravens | Unkindness, Storytelling |
184 | Reindeer | Herd |
185 | Rhinoceroses | Crash, Stubbornness |
186 | Roebucks | Bevy |
187 | Rooks | Building, Clamor, Parliament |
188 | Ruffs | Hill |
189 | Salamandars | Congress |
190 | Salmon | Run |
191 | Sandpipers | Fling |
192 | Sardines | Family |
193 | Scorpions | Bed, Nest |
194 | Seabirds | Wreck |
195 | Seals | Pod, Bob, Harem, Herd, Rookery |
196 | Sharks | Shiver, School, Shoal |
197 | Sheep | Drove, Flock, Down, Hurtle, Fold, Pack, Trip |
198 | Sheldrakes | Doading |
199 | Skylarks | Exultation |
200 | Squirrels | Dray, Scurry |
201 | Snails | Escargatoire, Rout, Walk |
202 | Snakes | Den, Nest, Pit, Bed, Knot |
203 | Snipe | Walk, Wisp |
204 | Sparrows | Host |
205 | Spiders | Cluster, Clutter |
206 | Springbok | Herd |
207 | Squirrels | Dray, Scurry |
208 | Starlings | Murmuration, Chattering |
209 | Stingrays | Fever |
210 | Stoats | Pack, Trip |
211 | Storks | Mustering, Muster |
212 | Swallows | Flight, Gulp |
213 | Swans (General) | Bevy, Bank, Herd |
214 | Swans (Flight) | Wedge, Flight |
215 | Swifts | Flock |
216 | Teal | Spring |
217 | Termites | Colony, Nest, Swarm, Brood |
218 | Thrush | Mutation |
219 | Tigers | Streak, Ambush |
220 | Toads | Knot, Knab, Nest |
221 | Trout | Hover |
222 | Turkeys | Rafter, Gang, Posse |
223 | Turtles | Bale, Nest, Turn, Dole |
224 | Turtle Doves | Pitying, Dule |
225 | Vipers | Generation, Nest |
226 | Vultures | Venue |
227 | Vultures (Circling) | Kettle |
228 | Walruses | Herd, Pod |
229 | Wasps | Nest, Swarm |
230 | Waterfowl | Knob, Plump |
231 | Weasles | Gang, Colony, Pack |
232 | Whales | Pod, Gam, Herd, School, Mod |
233 | Widgeons | Company |
234 | Wildfowl | Plump |
235 | Wolves (General) | Pack |
236 | Wolves (Moving) | Route, Rout |
237 | Wombats | Wisdom |
238 | Woodcocks | Fall |
239 | Woodpeckers | Descent |
240 | Worms | Bed, Clew, Bunch, Clat |
241 | Wrens | Herd |
242 | Zebras | Zeal, Crossing, Dazzle, Cohorts, Herd |
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Most Important Name of Animal Groups in English Language
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