OBC Date Issue Certificate will be Verified by Departments (PGPortal reply 23.05.2017)

OBC Date Issue Certificate will be Verified by Departments (PGPortal reply 23.05.2017)

Hello Readers,

As you all know that many of the OBC Candidates faced the issue in SSC CGL 2016 of OBC Certificate not issued within the specified period from 15.03.2013 to 09.09.2016. SSC had provisionally accepted their candidature as PROVISIONAL. In this regard Shri Shounak Paul has filed an PGPortal grievance and we are sharing the reply for the same. You may find the reply in text and Image form as below.


 Many of the OBC Candidates faced the issue of OBC Certificate not issued within the specified period from 15.03.2013 to 09.09.2016.

2)  Candidature of those candidates is Provisional throughout Selection Process.

3) The Category Status of those candidates will again be verified by the Departments to whom they would be recommended on their final selection

Grievance Description:Sir, I belongs to obc category and I am from Eastern region. I do not have the obc certificate within the cutoff dates. First time, I got my obc certificate on 30.06.2011 and later I have recently made it with new format on 27.04.2017. And my Document verification was on 28.04.2017. I knew that SSC has been taking those kinds of obc provisionally. So, at the time of Documents Verification of cgl-16, I first produced the newer one to madam and later the older one but she did not want to take the newer one whereas she took the older certificate and told me that it would create no problem and she just took that then and advised me to produce the newer certificate to the department at the time of joining. But, all of my friends whoever got that obc issue date problem produced the new certificate whose issue date is after the cutoff date. That is why I get feared. Pls tell me will it create any problem if SSC consider all the obc certificate at the last moment. I will be grateful if you kindly answer me with the reply.

PGPortal reply:

Details:This has reference to your Representation submitted through CPGRAMS Portal vide Registration No.*************** dated 15.05.2017 which has been received in this Office on 15.05.2017 through the said portal, wherein you have wanted to know about the status of our candidature as OBC candidate in connection with your Documents Verification in respect of CGL Examination 2016 on the occasion of your submission of OBC Certificate not issued within the specified period from 15.03.2013 to 09.09.2016 as stated in the Notice of CGL Examination, 2016. In this context, it is stated that candidates under OBC Category who failed to produce their OBC Certificates issued within the said specified period, their candidatures would remain Provisional throughout the selection process and their Category Status is again verified by the Departments to whom they would be recommended on their final selection. As your OBC Certificate was not issued within the period from 15.03.2013 to 09.09.2016, your candidature as OBC Candidate has been considered as Provisional. Therefore, your OBC Category Status is subject to further verification by the Departments to whom you would be recommended on your final selection Hence, your Representation submitted through CPGRAMS Portal vide Registration ***************** dated 15.05.2017 stands disposed of.

OBC Date Issue Certificate will be Verified by Departments (PGPortal reply 23.05.2017) OBC Date Issue Certificate will be Verified by Departments (PGPortal reply 23.05.2017) Reviewed by Admin on 3:17:00 PM Rating: 5
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