RRB ALP Technician Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria and FAQs
RRB ALP Technician Syllabus, Exam Pattern, and Eligibility Criteria and FAQs
- First stage CBT: for ALP + Technician Posts (Negative Marketing: 1/3rd of the marks allotted)
- Second stage CBT: for ALP + Technician Posts (Negative Marketing: 1/3rd of the marks allotted)
- Third stage Computer Based Aptitude Test: for ALP posts only (for candidates qualified in 2nd stage of CBT) (No Negative Marketing)
First Stage CBT (Common for ALP/Technician) Duration: 60 Min, No of Questions: 75
Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories : UR -40%, OBC-30%, SC-30%, ST -25%.
The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining to:
a. Mathematics Number system, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work; Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern etc.
b. General Intelligence and Reasoning Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.
c. General Science The syllabus under this shall cover Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences of 10th standard level.
d. General awareness on current affairs in Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics and other subjects of importance.
Second Stage CBT
Short listing of Candidates for the Second Stage CBT exam shall be based on the normalized marks obtained by them in the First Stage CBT Exam.
Total number of candidates to be shortlisted for second stage shall be 15 times the community wise total vacancy of ALP and Technician Post
Total Duration: 2 hours and 30 Minutes (for Part Aand Part B together)
The Second Stage CBT shall have two parts viz Part A and Part B as detailed below.
PART A Duration: 90 Min, No of Questions: 100
Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories: UR -40%, OBC-30%, SC-30%, ST -25%.
The syllabus for Part A shall be as below
a. Mathematics (Same as Stage 1)
Number system, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work; Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern etc.
b. General Intelligence and Reasoning (Same as Stage 1)
Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.
c. Basic Science and Engineering (New Subject)
The broad topics that are covered under this shall be Engineering Drawing (Projections, Views, Drawing Instruments, Lines, Geometric figures, Symbolic Representation), Units, Measurements, Mass Weight and Density, Work Power and Energy, Speed and Velocity, Heat and Temperature, Basic Electricity, Levers and Simple Machines, Occupational Safety and Health, Environment Education, IT Literacy etc.
d. General awareness on current affairs (Same as Stage 1)
Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics and other subjects of importance.
PART B Duration: 60 Min, No of Questions: 75
Qualifying Mark: 35 % (This is applicable to all candidates and no relaxation is permissible)
- This part is qualifying in nature and shall have questions from the trade syllabus prescribed by Director General of Employment & Training (DGET).
- Candidates with ITI/Trade Apprenticeship qualification will be required to appear in the section having questions from the relevant trade.
- Candidates holding Degree, Diploma and HSC (10+2) having eligibility for the posts of ALP have to select relevant trade from the list of trades listed against their engineering discipline/HSC (10+2).
- The trade syllabus can be obtained from the DGET website.
- The relevant trades for various engineering discipline/HSC (10+2) for appearing in the qualifying test is as below:
Stage 3
Computer-Based Aptitude Test (Only for candidates who have opted for ALP) (English and Hindi.)
Qualifying marks: The candidate needs to secure a minimum score of 42 marks in each of the test batteries to qualify. This is applicable to all candidates and no relaxation is permissible.
Candidates will have to qualify in each of the test battery of Computer Based AT for considering them for the post of ALP.
The ALP merit list will be drawn only from amongst the candidates qualifying in the Aptitude Test, with 70% weightage for the marks obtained in the Part A of Second Stage CBT and 30% weightage for the marks obtained in Computer Based AT.
This Aptitude Test is similar to RRB NTPC Aptitude test and you can view the guidelines here.
Marks will be normalized in all the stages of the exam.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit (As on 01.07.2018): 18 to 28 years.
Educational Qualifications:
Those awaiting results of the final examination of the prescribed educational/technical qualification SHOULD NOT apply.
A) Matriculation / SSLC plus ITI from recognised institutions of NCVT/SCVT in the respective trades(Armature and Coil Winder / Electrician / Electronics Mechanic / Fitter / Heat Engine / Instrument Mechanic / Machinist / Mechanic Diesel / Mechanic Motor Vehicle / Millwright Maintenance Mechanic / Mechanic Radio & TV / Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Mechanic / Tractor Mechanic / Turner / Wireman)
Matriculation / SSLC plus Course Completed Act Apprenticeship in the trades mentioned above
B) 3 years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Automobile Engineering
Combination of various streams of these Engineering disciplines from a recognised Institution in lieu of ITI.
Note: Degree in the Engineering disciplines as above will also be acceptable in lieu of Diploma in Engineering.
Who are Not Eligible
- Candidates who are 10th Pass but No ITI/Diploma Certificates
- Candidates who are 12th Pass but No ITI/Diploma Certificates or (Do not have Maths + Physics)
- Simple Graduates like (BA, BCom, BSc.)
- Engineers from IT/CS/Civil/Petrolium etc
(only Mechanical / Electrical /
Electronics / Automobile Engineering or Combination is eligible )
Matriculation / SSLC plus ITI from recognised institutions of NCVT/SCVT in the respective trades
Matriculation / SSLC plus Course Completed Act Apprenticeship in the trade mentioned above
For Post Sr. No. 70 & 71 of Technician Post, candidates with 10+2 with Physics and Maths can apply.
Exam Flow/Steps of RRB ALP Technician:
1) Apply Online
2) First Stage of RRB (All candidates will appear for Stage 1)
3) After the completion of First Stage CBT, RRB will ask for Selection of RRB and Preferences for posts
4) Second Stage of RRB (15 times of updated vacancies )
5) Third Stage (Aptitude Test) for ALP posts candidates. (8 times number of ALP vacancies)
6) Shortlisted candidates must produce the Vision Certificate in the prescribed format as per Annexure-VI in original during Computer Based AT
6) Document Verification
7) Medical Test
Those who are opting for ALP Post may note that the post has stringent medical standard
Click Here to Know RRB ALP Job Profile, Salary and Allowance details.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the requirements for Registration?
Candidates should have their own mobile number and valid & active personal email id and keep them active for the entire duration of recruitment. The email id should be unique.
2. What is the procedure for Registration?
Enter the personal details asked for in the Registration page including your mobile number and email id and submit. The registration ID and password will be displayed to the candidate and OTPs will be sent to the registered mobile number and email id for validation.
3. Can I edit the Registration details?
Registration details except mobile number, email id and State you belong to can be edited.
4. What is the procedure to login?
Use Registration ID and password which was displayed after registration and sent to your registered email id for logging in.
5. How do I know that my application is submitted?
Your application is successful only on completion of all the stages including the fee payment and document upload. After the final submit, preview button will be enabled in case of successful completion of application to view or to take print of your application.
6. I have not received email/sms during registration procedure? Why?
Check the correctness of mobile number and email id entered by you. Check your spam mails. You may also refresh and check your email after intervals. If no mail/sms is received, click on resend option. If it is noticed that the email id / mobile number has been wrongly entered inadvertently, click on change email id/mobile number option.
7. Where should I refer for prescribed Education Qualification/Vacancies/PWD suitability/Medical Standards/Formats for various certificates?
Refer detailed CEN 01/2018 published ion the websites of all RRBs and also the download link of CEN 1/2018 provided in this website.
8. What should I do if I forget password?
Your password is your registered date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY . It will be available in your registered email also.
9. What all documents should I upload at the time of application?
Scanned passport size photo(15kb-40kb) of the candidate with name and date printed on it.
Scanned SC/ST certificate(50kb to 100kb). (if applicable)
Scanned passport size photo of the scribe(15kb-40kb). (if applicable)
10. When I try to upload the Photo/SC /ST certificate, it doesn’t accept Why?
The documents should be in JPG/JPEG format for successful uploading and the size should be:
Passport size photos - 15 to 40 kb
SC/ST certificate - 50kb to 100 kb.
11. How do I know that I belong to OBC creamy layer or Non-creamy layer?
The family income of the OBC-Non Creamy Layer candidate should not be more than 8Lakhs.The OBC certificate should be in the format prescribed as at Annexure-II wherein clear mention is made regarding the candidate not belonging to persons/sections of creamy layer. These are considered to be Non-Creamy Layer candidates.
12. What is the Examination Fees?
For candidates belonging to SC / ST / Ex- Servicemen / PWDs / Female / Transgender / Minorities / Economically backward class: Rs 250/-.
All other candidates: Rs 500/-
13. Whether examination fee is re-fundable
The fees is refundable only to SC / ST / Ex- Servicemen / PWDs / Female / Transgender / Minorities / Economically backward class candidates on attending First Stage Computer Based Test.
14. Can I take the print out of the application any time?
Yes. You can login by using registration ID and password and click on preview to view/take print of your application.
15. What should I do if I have lost my SSLC/SSC/Matriculation Certificate?
You cannot register without furnishing SSLC/Matric roll number and year Of passing as available in the certificate. If these details are furnished based on the copy of the certificate and in case the candidate is called for DV, the original/Duplicate SSLC/SSC/Matriculation certificate has to be submitted.
16. Can I edit the details in the application?
Yes. After final submission, the details in the application (except mobile number, email id and State) can be edited with the modification option by paying modification fee of Rs.250/- each time which is non refundable. The Modification can be done only twice .
17. How will I come to know whether my application is accepted/rejected?
In case the application is rejected after scrutiny, the same will be communicated through email.
18. Where can I find the contact numbers of various RRBs?
Refer Para 19.0 of the detailed CEN 01/2018 published in the websites of RRBs.
19. Whom should I contact in case there is any difficulty in filling up the application?
Click on the Helpdesk button to contact the concerned through email
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RRB ALP Technician Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Eligibility Criteria and FAQs
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